About CCS

Our Mission

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:14)

The mission of CCS is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. We humbly strive, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to teach our students to love God, love others, and love learning. Our goal is to come alongside Christian families as they seek to raise their children in the fear and admonition of The Lord. At CCS we want to foster the development of whole humans who learn to love God with ALL their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Therefore, CCS exists to provide a Christian education for the purpose of teaching children to affirm the true, pursue the good, and enjoy the beautiful to the glory of Jesus Christ, by whom and for whom all things were created.  

Who We Are


At CCS we begin each day singing, “This is the day the Lord has made." A deliberate effort is made throughout our day to keep Christ at the fundamental center of our students’ education . We believe He is the beginning, middle and end of all that we do; not just in “Bible Class” or “Chapel” but in all subjects taught. All that is good, true, and beautiful is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ as taught in the Scriptures and revealed in nature. (Psalm 19; Col 1:15-23)

Church Aligned

CCS is a ministry of Christ Covenant Church (CCC). While a Christ-centered education does not require a local church context, we believe this adds value to the education our children will receive. If you value the things CCC is striving to do in its corporate life together, you should expect to see overlap, deepening, and confirmation when it comes to the teaching at CCS.

Play Based

At CCS wonder and delight, asking questions and exploring, singing and creating will be part of every day. We want our students to love and enjoy learning. We want school to feel like delight, not duty. While formal instruction will be a part of every school day, our children will spend a significant amount of time learning through developmentally appropriate play. We believe play is the work of childhood and an essential tool for learning, fostering independence, and preventing anxiety and depression.

Gently Classical

A classical education is an effort to pass on the great ideas, great books, foundational truths and skills of Western Civilization. The goal of the classical model is to impart the tools of learning that allow children to think and learn for themselves. Classical education encourages the student to seek after truth, goodness, and beauty and includes the study of the liberal arts and great texts. At CCS our curricula are heavily influenced by classical principles.

What We Do

Focus on Christ-exalting spiritual formation

Spiritual formation is an integral part of each school day for both our staff and our students. If you're working at home to disciple your children, when you drop them at school, we want to pick up where you left off. We believe there is great value in Scripture memory, and we want to help your children hide God's word in their heart, lots of it! In addition to Scripture memory, students learn hymns, recite a catechism, work on Biblical literacy, pray together, and attend weekly chapel. As a staff, we want to be disciples who make disciples, so we begin each day by praying together and meet weekly for staff devotions. Spiritual formation is not limited to the formal means of instruction listed above. Spiritual formation is part of our school's ethos. We want our teaching, conversations, and discipline to be "seasoned with salt" so that we can help you give your children a strong Christian worldview.  

Nurture joyful childhood experiences

At CCS we let kids be kids. We believe childhood is short and magical. We don't want to rush children into adolescence, but want to slow down and allow them to savor and enjoy these formative and important years. If your child comes home dirty with sand in their shoes and paint on their clothes, we consider that a successful day! We implement a play-based learning model, are low-tech throughout the school, spend lots of time outside, and focus on keeping our classrooms and curricula developmentally appropriate to avoid putting undue stress and pressure on young minds.  

Build intentional communities

We are the body of Christ and believe God created us for community and connection both with Him and with His people. At CCS, we want to know our students and the families they come from. We are intentional about fostering community within our school and are constantly looking for ways to better serve  families and encourage one another in our faith. Check out our CCS Connection blog for more info!

Foster delight in learning

We strive to create an environment where learning is delight and not duty. Whether its multiplication tables, good literature, or the anatomy of a spider, our teachers aim to cultivate awe and wonder as students explore the amazing world God created. Students learn through play and in community with their classmates which helps to create a more enjoyable classroom experience. We pray our students will look forward to coming to school each day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What grades are offered at CCS?

For the 2024-2025 school year we are offering PK2-3rd grade. We will continue to add one grade each academic year. For the 2025-2026 school year, we will offer PK2-4th grade, and so on.

What are the school's hours?

CCS is open Monday-Thursday. We offer two options for our 2 and 3 year old classes, Core (9-12) and Encore (9-2). Our 4s, TK and K students attend school from 9-2. First grade and up attend school from 8-2.

Is your school registered with the State of Louisiana?

Yes, CCS is registered as a "Non-Public School Not Seeking State Approval".

Does your school take extra security measures?

Yes, in addition to having a BRPD officer on campus during school hours, we have a safety protocol that all staff follows. We also pray daily for the Lord's provision and protection.

Who do I speak to if I have questions?

Our staff would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please call our office at (225) 925-2291. If you're interested in joining our CCS community, we strongly encourage you to schedule a tour by clicking below.

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